So recently I've been diagnosed with ADHD. Which explains a lot. Those highs and lows, and the impossibility of maintaining one hobby, the compulsion to jump around interests as they rise and fall in how interesting they seem to be? Well, many people get that, but ADHDers tend get that to such disturbing heights that they start doubting whether they can finish anything at all. Which is pretty much a description of yours truly.
The medication helps a lot. When I take it, I can finally think normally about certain things. These frantic thought spirals, amounting to "I have to do it or I'll die", and "I can't do it, or I'll die", are dimmed down. Things just start looking interesting or boring. And most of the stuff I've found interesting throughout my life - well, it still looks interesting, but not to the exclusion of everything else. It's such a relief you wouldn't believe.
Thus, I might be well on my path to being able to make a game again. I just need a little bit more time to settle down with my newly acquired insights.